Here's once again a classic story of how a Slave Master exploits its' slave country.
I am not suggesting any hate message here against Australia - don't get me wrong - as a matter of fact - I have plenty of Australian friends and I find them really a good people. At any rate, there are probably politicians who give a country a bad name - this is where I am getting at.
First - I bring you a consolation... This is good news to probably majority of the un-enlightened Pinoys... - but definitely not to those who are enlightened.
GMANews.TV - Monday, December 28
Thousands of skilled overseas Filipino workers (OFW) are expected to be employed in Australia next year with the scheduled signing of a labor agreement next month, Labor Secretary Marianito Roque said Sunday.
Roque said he would flying to Australia on January to sign the agreement for the hiring of thousands of Filipino professionals.
He said the agreement that would be inked with Southern Australia would open good quality and high-paying jobs to Filipino workers.
“Those who would qualify for the jobs would get at least $4,000 monthly salary and there would be no placement fee," Roque said.
The government had earlier reported that Australia is expected to hire about 300,000 Filipino workers in the next three to five years.
Besides Australia , Roque said the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is also exploring possible new markets for Filipino professional workers.
He said Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East are expected to hire the most number of skilled Filipino workers, including engineers, construction and hotel workers.
But local recruitment agencies said the expected passage of the amended Migrant Workers Act may lead to downtrend in hiring of OFWs in 2010.
Lito Soriano, a recruitment consultant, said the proposed law approved by the bicameral committee mandates that the country would deploy workers only to countries with existing bilateral agreements with the Philippines. Only 14 out of 194 nations have bilateral relations with the Philippines.
Likewise, recruitment leaders reported that the recent decision of Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to postpone the implementation of the agreement on the establishment of a US military facility in Okinawa may also imperil the hiring of more OFWs in the coming year.
The Philippine government is hoping to capture at least 20,000 jobs for Filipino construction workers in Japan with the start of the construction of the US facility there. - Jerrie Abella/KBK, GMANews.TV
Now for some really unpleasant news - that you will never be able to read from any News Network at all! This is an article written by a priest based in Zambales... Read it and be enlightened.
The Truth is in the Floods!
by Fr. Shay Cullen
from PREDA Foundation
from PREDA Foundation
The truth about climate change is essential to the Copenhagen Conference and its aftermath. The nations of the world have not reached a comprehensive breakthrough agreement but the world desperately needs one to greatly reduce the outpouring of greenhouse gasses.
The people and especially the poor in developing countries who are being impacted daily and will be most affected by rising ocean levels, greater storms, floods and droughts in the future have little real say in the deliberations or the decisions. The rich and the powerful nations will be deciding the future of the planet as they have already done for centuries. Their economic wealth and military power has been built on the exploitation of the poorer nations, extracting their cheap low cost raw materials, processing them with fossil fuels and destroying the atmosphere as they grow rich. They grow richer by selling back to the poor nations high-priced manufactured goods as they have done for the past five hundred years.
The rich nations have made sinful alliances with the corrupt rulers of the poor nations to achieve this immoral and unjust exchange. However, wealthy nations like Australia foster coal-burning power plants on the poor nations like they have done and are doing in the Philippines and lock them into long term supply deals.
Coal is used to meet nearly 40% of the world’s current energy demand, creating over 40% of annual global carbon emissions. Global coal consumption is expected to rise by 1.9% to 4.2 billion tonnes by 2010. Australia is the worldís largest exporter of black coal, a position it has held since1984.
The Australian Senate has blocked a new law that would help reduce the carbon emissions. Australia is contributing to the global warming while talking hot air in Copenhagen. How much better to finance geothermal power generation that has zero CO2 emissions for local power generation so feasible in the volcanic Philippines? But no, they want to sell Australian coal and the ruling Philippine elite decide in cahoots with them against the national interest of Filipinos. The Filipinos are the ones that suffer most.
The Indigenous People of the Aeta communities of Botolan, Zambales, not far from where I live, have suffered a total wipe out of their community, houses, simple fans, a small TV for which they saved for months all gone. Some died, most mercifully escaped. But their small farms and a secure future are all gone. They are refugees on waste land. I go there every ten days with relief food to help keep them going while planning a small re-housing project with the help of the Irish Church relief agency Trocaire – a small help for a massive problem.
Climate change damages and destroys thousands of lives. Antong is a tribal leader of the Aeta people here in Zambales province the Philippines. I sat with him in an impoverished makeshift refugee camp with tiny shelters made of grass hovels and plastic sheets. He told me the recent devastation that wiped out his village and all their lands.
He is knowledgeable about Global Warming and knows that the blocking of the atmosphere with gasses from factories and millions of vehicles heats the oceans and brings ten times the evaporation of the seas and ten times the amount of rain all in a few days. Nothing can stop the raging waters that cover the lands and washes away the soil and leaves behind sand and stones. If only the negotiators in Copenhagen could see and understand this, they might agree more readily to really curb emissions.
ìNow we are impoverished and 100 families are huddled here, the rest have scattered, I know not where they wentî, he lamented as the relief workers handed out plastic bags of rice and canned goods.
A once proud people and a simple sustainable village life swept away in the deluge. They are the human face of global warming. They suffer the consequences of the high living of the rich and empty promises, this will not change unless all of us common people get out and rally and campaign for true global cuts in emissions and demand justice for the victims of global warming and climate change.
First - they dump Coals into our land.... to make us less green as we wanted to be. Then they profit from it - along with their local political cohorts - who are merely Big faces with very small brains... Too small to accommodate any conscience, morality nor decency.!
Then they export local slaves... the slvaes thought they will make money - but little do they know is that - it is a trap to be inside a system. This system desensitizes the slaves to think they are diving outside the frying pan... without seeing that they are actually diving into the fire. This system gives them a false hope, systematically erasing their own native culture and severing their kin, or ties with family and community.
This system provides money to the slaves... money that will be reinvested back to the Slave Master country in terms of products, services, project earning and taxes derived from the grid.
Those who have eyes - let them see... those who have ears - let them hear... But many have eyes - yet they are blind... many can hear - yet they do not understand.